How to Do Keyword Research for Good Ranking?

Hello friend, I am back again with very useful tactics to find the keywords. You can get the good ranking by these keyword research.
keyword research
Everybody knows the importance of the keyword. Even your blog does not rank by other content. The blogs rank by only the keywords.
You need to know the different techniques to find good keywords. You can write the SEO friendly article by finding the correct keyword.
Today I am showing the very simple methods to find the keywords.


What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the method by which you can find the word which is in highly trending. Or
Keyword Research is the tactics to find the word or word pair which has maximum search volume.
Writing an article with the correct keyword is the other factor to increase the visitors. Every publisher does keyword research.
Not only keyword research but also Backlink is also the factor to good ranking.
The keyword research process takes place on the basis on your online marketing campaign.
The aim of keyword research is what your audience is searching?

Step 1: Find the Keyword


Keyword Research Tools

There are so many keyword research tools are available. You can use any SEO tool or any keyword research tool to find your required keyword.

1. Ubersuggest Keyword Tool

I use the ubersuggest tool. Ubersuggest is the property of This tool is a very nice tool. It is very easy to handle. The plus point is it is free.
To get started you have to simply enter your keyword in search of this tool. If you have targeted the audience of other countries, you can set your language and country.
keyword research
After that, click on Look Up. The results will open after the small intense of time. Don’t worry about that, the tools audit the keyword.
You will get search volume of a keyword, cost per click rate and percentage of competition. Here you can get the idea about the opportunities.
Now scroll down to observe the desired keyword. Here is also showing the search volume and cost per click.
You can use this keyword to optimize your article.

2. Google AdWords Keyword Tool

The other keyword research tool is Google AdWord. This is the property of Google. It gives accurate data.
Google AdWords keyword tool is also known as the Google AdWord keyword planner.
keyword research
I have searched on it for online marketing. Here you can see how beautiful the result it is showing.
Search Volume, Click Per Cost, Competition, Average monthly searches, Page bid etc. information it is showing. You can see.
Page bid is showing in rupees, which is India currency. It shows the information in your currency.

3. Google Search Suggestion

Google Search Suggestion is the best keyword research tool. Here you find the keywords related to your main keyword also.
Here is a simple method. Simply visit Google search engine. Type your keyword there. It will show the suggestions pop up.
keyword research
This popup is has the ten suggested keywords, which are very powerful and high graded.
Here you can see I have searched for online marketing. The suggestions for online marketing are there.
You can replace the suggestion setting with your location. In default, it shows the result of the whole world. In default, it is not focused on your targeted area. 
You can change this setting with your country and also the area.
Alternative Search Suggestions
Google is not the only search engine, also there are many search engine. You can also use other search engines also. It works similarly like google.
These are my suggested search engine to find your keywords.
In this above keyword research tool, we have found some common point.
Competition, CPC and Monthly Searches etc.
Let understand these definitions-
  • Competition – This section shows us the opportunity to rank. How many percent chances are here to rank with this keyword? This information is given by the competition section of the keyword research tool.


  • CPC – If you bid on any keyword, you will pay by the CPC of its. It shows the ad payment information.


  • Monthly Searches – Monthly Searches is the information of how many time your keyword searched by people in an average month?

Step 2: Choosing the Best Keyword

Now you have successfully created the basic keywords information. Now what to do for choosing the best keyword?
For this process, you can use any keyword research tool by your choice but the tools should be near accuracy.
Now you need to do the analysis of keyword again. Now you have to focus on SERP analysis & keyword difficulty.
I have already told you about keyword difficulty. This is the ratio of chances to rank with the selected keyword.
You should observe the top sites which are ranking on the same niche. You have to detect their keyword.
This information will help you to decide your main keyword.
After this, you can use the Keywords directly in your article. You can target the keyword with the article.

Final Words:

The above guide is really working. I have created this article in short words. You have to do keyword research by following the above information.
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Paku Ingle

    This is correct but I want to know how to write SEO friendly article in Blogger

    1. Nikita Tayde

      I have mentioned link for it in the same article

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